Sunday, January 3, 2010


We all went to Kauai last November. It was great! Here we are, old fogies on the beach. We stayed in a condo right by the beach with Rick & Arlene & David & Cathrine. We had a blast seeing where a lot of movies were made, especially Jurrasic Park and boogie boarding and snorkeling. We also went to a Luau with a show with hula girls and fire dancers. We had fantastic food and even ate at a restaurant right on the beach .
Awe... so sweet!

Don't worry... there were two other beds!

Dennis with his sister and brother!

There were wild chickens everywhere we went!

This was the view from our balcony!

We can't wait to go back again!


  1. I am sooo jelaous! Someday we will have to all go together...In like 10 years :)

  2. I was thinking the same thing Heather. . only maybe not so far away ;)

  3. I enjoyed seeing the pictures, I had not seen any of your guys' trip yet! I'll have to get after my mom for that. I love the one w/ all of ya in the bed. That made me laugh. I too am jealous of your trip. I LOVE Hawaii so much. That's so funny about the wild chickens. They had them on the islad my mom and dad lived on too. I was totally not expecting that! I hope you get to go again soon. But wait, not before I get to go again! Haha. ;)

  4. What fun pics!!! Glad you guys had a good time, you sure deserve it! :o)
